How we

AspectWorks’ agile working method is built on quality of design, architecture and delivery.

Business requirements are at the center of every project we work on, and in the analysis phase we seek to understand both the current situation and the desired outcome for the customer. On the basis of this we consider how technology solutions can be brought to bear. Every customer has specific needs and specific expectations, and in this phase we seek to gather these together.


AspectWorks places great emphasis on listening to its customers, and interviews are held with key players in various roles to get greater detail and understanding of the customer’s requirements, as well as to see where analyses need to be adapted and changed.


AspectWorks’ team of technical experts propose appropriate solutions based on the information gathered. While AspectWorks has an unparalleled capacity to develop software from the ground up, the team seeks to use off-the-shelf components wherever possible as a way of keeping both time to market and costs to a minimum.


AspectWorks has extensive experience in developing new software to address customer needs, adapting existing off-the-shelf components and integrating new and legacy systems together. Our agile-based methodology allows for greater flexibility and transparency for clients, as well as more satisfactory outcomes.


We provide a full spectrum of training for customers, utilizing both official Salesforce training materials as well as the ability to create customized trainings. AspectWorks’ trainings are available for all levels of the customer’s organization, from end users to managers to system administrators and in-house developers.


We understand how important uptime and maintenance are to our customers, which is why AspectWorks offers extensive service, including remote system management and on-site visits. Our team is able to draw on its extensive experience with hundreds of implementations to provide a rapid resolution to whatever issues may arise.



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